Recess Travel
Logo Design
Take a break, shall we?
We created the branding of a travel blog “RECESS”, including logo, social media post, stories. Forming an emotional connection with the audience, the logo keeps updating seasonally to show holiday cheer, and not least, arouse the audience interest what’s coming next!
為名為“RECESS”的旅遊博客設計社交媒體上使用的相關素材, 包括商標、投稿、即時動態等。考慮到社交媒體上與追蹤者建立聯繫的重要性及品牌的玩味性格,商標會隨著季節或節日等而粉飾其設計,漸漸給予大眾對此博客的期待,加強關注。